วันศุกร์ที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

China opens World Expo 2010 in Shanghai

Almost 250 countries and international organisations are showcasing their culture in an event themed around sustainable development.
Many are doing so in pavilions with radical architecture.
World leaders, including France's President Sarkozy, are attending the lavish opening ceremony.
"Expo 2010 Shanghai is now open!" Chinese President Hu Jintao declared during the gala opening, in which 2,300 performers and musicians from all over the world took part.
They were celebrating the Expo slogan: "Better city, better life in music and dance".
Tens of thousands of fireworks and lasers then lit up the city's riverfront - in what organisers promised would be the biggest-ever multimedia event, the BBC's Chris Hogg in Shanghai says.
Some 70 million visitors - mostly Chinese - are expected to visit the Expo, which will be open for the next six months.
Chinese local media report that the cost of staging the event could be as much as $58bn (£38bn) - more than was spent on the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Some estimates say this figure could eventually be even higher.
Shanghai has increased security measures drastically in preparation for the event. An additional 8,000 police officers have been brought in to help Shanghai's 46,000-strong police force to patrol the city, Chinese state media says. I have copy this news from BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/).

วันพุธที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Pilot error blamed for 2007 Kenya Airways crash.

The 2007 crash of a Kenya Airways flight in Cameroon that killed all 114 people on board was caused by pilot error, a report released on Wednesday said.
The flight, headed from Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to Nairobi, Kenya, had made a scheduled stopover in the Cameroon city of Douala. It took off from Douala in stormy weather and crashed into a mangrove swamp shortly afterward, just after midnight on May 5, 2007.
The report, from Cameroon's Civil Aviation Authority, blamed "spatial disorientation" on the part of the pilot for the crash, saying he "reacted inappropriately in the face of the abnormal situation."
The pilot released the controls for 55 seconds as the plane was at 1,000 feet and climbing, the report said. The plane began to bank right, but the captain "appears unaware."
Just before a warning sounded, the captain grabbed the controls but appeared "confused" and instead of correcting to the left, he turned further right, increasing the bank and ultimately sending the plane into a spiral, the report said.
The crash occurred "after a long slow roll, during which no instrument scanning was done, and in the absence of external visual references in a dark night," the aviation authority said.
Kenya Airways said it was not disputing the report. But "unfortunately, there was no eyewitness account, unlike in other regular accidents, where eyewitnesses can say what they saw," said Chris Karanja, company spokesman. "The report is founded on a reconstruction based on the instruments on board and based on what the experts believe is the probability of what happened."
The report also blamed "inadequate operational control" and "lack of crew coordination," among other factors, for the crash. The first officer, it said, appeared cowed by the captain and did not "call out the lapses in piloting."
However, as the plane began a spiral dive, the first officer at first told the captain to turn right, before correcting himself and saying, "Left, left, left, captain," the report said.
"There were shortcomings in the way the crew worked as a team," the report said. It also noted that the plane took off without authorization from air traffic control.
Of the 114 people aboard, 37 were from Cameroon and 15 from India, the report said. One American also was on board. In all, passengers were from 26 nations. I have copy this news from CNN News (

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

British ambassador survives attack in Yemen.

The British ambassador to Yemen survived an attack on his convoy early Monday in the capital of Sanaa, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office said.
"There was (a) small explosion beside the British Ambassador's car. He was unhurt. No other embassy staff or British nationals were injured," a statement said.
Tim Torlot, 52, was appointed ambassador to Yemen in July 2007.
"The embassy will remain closed to the public for the time being. We advise all British nationals in Yemen to keep a low profile and remain vigilant," the Foreign Office said. "We are working urgently with the Yemeni authorities to investigate what happened." I have copy this news from CNN News (http://edition.cnn.com/ ) .

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Mississippi tornado leaves 10 dead amid destruction

Governor Haley Barbour said there was "utter obliteration" in Yazoo County, where three died, and he declared a state of emergency in 17 counties.
A church in Yazoo City was flattened and houses reduced to rubble.
Tornadoes have also been hit the nearby states of Louisiana, Arkansas and Alabama, with the severe weather reported to be moving eastwards.
Powerlines have been blown down and road are blocked by fallen trees, after a tornado almost a mile (1.6 km) wide, blew through the centre of the state. The storms brought heavy rain to some areas.
Five people died in Choctaw County, two of them children, four in Yazoo County and one in Holmes County.
Four injured people were flown by helicopter from Yazoo County to hospital in the state capital, Jackson, for treatment. "It sounded like a train coming down that road," said Malcolm Gordon, 63, who hid in a cupboard with his wife, Diane, while the tornado took the roof off his house.
"I'll just bulldoze what's left and start over," he said.
"When I got up, the windows started blowing out and it blew me from one room to the next room, and I grabbed my son, we got on the floor, and next thing I know the roof come off, all the windows were blowed out, the house started flooding with water," said Kenneth Gurley of Warren County.
"There are lots of places where a person can get blown off the road," said Gov Barbour.
"And so we've got a lot of volunteers, as well as professional people from the local fire departments who are just trying to run through there and look everywhere to make sure we don't miss anybody." I have copy this news from the BBC News (

Doctors in Spain claim they have performed the world's first full face transplant.

A team of 30 Spanish doctors carried out the ground-breaking operation on a young man whose face had been disfigured in an shooting accident five years ago.
He had been left unable to breathe, swallow, or talk properly.
The man received the entire facial skin and muscles - including cheekbones, nose, lips and teeth - of a donor.
The Barcelona University Hospital, where the surgery took place, issued a statement explaining that the patient had previously endured nine unsuccessful operations.
While other face transplants have been done in the past, they have only been partial.
The operation took more than 20 hours and the man, whose name has not been revealed, is expected to remain in hospital for at least two months.
He underwent surgery in late March, but details of the operation have only now been revealed. I have copy this news from ABC News (
http://www.abc.net.au/news/) , because this is the good news for a lot of people.

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

China building collapse yields life terms.

Two men were sentenced to life in prison for their involvement in the collapse of a building in Shanghai last year, Chinese state media reported.
A Shanghai court sentenced Que Jingde and Zhang Zhiqin, the two largest shareholders of the real estate firm Shanghai Meidu Real Estate on Wednesday, according to China Daily.
Que was convicted on one charge of graft, while Zhang was found guilty on counts of graft, embezzlement of corporate funds and causing a serious accident, the paper said. The court also ordered the confiscation of their personal assets -- Zhang's is worth 5 million yuan (US $732,000) and Que's is 2 million yuan (US $293,000), China Daily reported.
The nearly complete 13-story building fell on its side almost intact last June, killing a worker.
Investigations found that the structure's foundation was weakened by the piling of excavated soil on one side and the digging of an underground garage by an unqualified contractor, China Daily reported. I have copied this news from CNN News (http://edition.cnn.com/ ).

วันอังคารที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Weather-delayed Discovery touches down

The Space Shuttle Discovery returned safely to Earth on Tuesday after completing a 15-day resupply mission to the International Space Station, the 131st trip of the shuttle program.
Discovery and its seven astronauts glided to a smooth landing at 9:08 am local time at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The shuttle and crew returned from a 10-day stay at the space station, a $100 billion project of 16 nations that has been under construction since 1998. Discovery's commander Alan Poindexter and pilot Jim Dutton fired the shuttle's braking rockets while over the Indian Ocean to leave orbit and head for the spacecraft's home base in Florida. Bad weather had delayed a scheduled return on Monday, further extending a mission that had already been lengthened by a day so the astronauts could use the orbiting space station's communications system to relay heat shield inspection results.
NASA discovered the shuttle's Ku-band communications antenna was broken shortly after Discovery's April 5 launch, obliging the crew to use the station's system. The inspection procedure was implemented after the 2003 Columbia disaster, blamed on a heat shield breach.
Discovery had delivered to the space station a cargo pod, about the size of a small bus, filled with equipment and experiment racks, a fourth U.S. sleeping berth, a darkroom for the station's US laboratory module and other supplies.
The returning Italian-built cargo pod was packed with old equipment and items no longer needed on the station. The shuttle also hauled home a spent tank of ammonia coolant, which will be refurbished and returned to the station as a spare.
A new ammonia tank was installed during three spacewalks by Discovery astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Clay Anderson, but a problem with a valve prevented NASA from activating the coolant system as planned.
The International Space Station has two coolant loops, and both will need to be operational within about a month to keep the station at full power as the changing sun angle generates more heat on the station.
Discovery's return leaves just three shuttle flights on NASA's schedule before the ships are retired at the end of the year. Sister ship, Atlantis, is due to be rolled out to the launch pad on Tuesday evening to be prepared for a May 14 liftoff. I copied this news from ABC News ( http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/04/21/2878315.htm?section=justin ), I hope you maybe like an information of its when you read this news.

วันอังคารที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Songkran Water Festival Thailand

Today is the first day of the Songkran Water Festival Thailand ,so I think that a lot of people will be happy with this festival sure! especially the Thai teenagers will be enjoy ,because they can splash water an another or water-throwing. Thai people enjoy the long Songkran holiday this year , so I would like to relate a story of the Songkran Water Festival Thailand to you.
Songkran is a Thai traditional New Year which starts on April 13 every year and lasts for 3 days. Songkran festival on April 13 is Maha Songkran Day or the day to mark the end of the old year, April 14 is Wan Nao which is the day after and April 15 is Wan Thaloeng Sok which the New Year begins. At this time, people from the rural areas who are working in the city usually return home to celebrate the festival. Thus, when the time come, Bangkok temporarily turns into a deserted city.
Songkran is a Thai word which means "move" or "change place" as it is the day when the sun changes its position in the zodiac. It is also known as the "Water Festival" as people believe that water will wash away bad luck. The Songkran tradition is recognized as a valuable custom for the Thai community, society and religions. The value for family is to provide the opportunity for family members to gather in order to express their respects to the elders by pouring scented water onto the hands of their parents and grandparents and to present them gifts including making merits to dedicate the result to their ancestors. The elders in return wish the youngsters good luck and prosperity.
The values for community is to provide the opportunity to create unity in the community such as to jointly acquire merits, to meet each other and to enjoy the entertaining events. And for the society value is to create concern upon environment with cooperation such as to clean houses, temples, public places and official buildings. Thais value the religion bye means of merits acquisition, offerings alms to monks, Dhamma Practice, listening to sermon and monks-bathing.

In a campaign for creative culture in celebration of Songkran, the Ministry of Culture has urged the general public to buy a set of “Songkran items” for their parents and other elders. Among the items are scented water, perfumed face powder, garlands, Thai fabric, and handicrafts.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Woman murdered

Savar, Apr 9: Mother of a film actress was killed and two others, including the actress, were injured in an attack allegedly by her ex-husband at Samair village here on Thursday night, reports UNB.The deceased was identified as Ferdousi Begum, 45, mother of actress Sanjida Islam Lata.Police and local sources said Lata''s ex-husband Sabuj, a local Jubo League leader, along with his musclemen came to the house of Lata in the evening and locked into an altercation with her mother. At one stage, they attacked Ferdousi and Lata with sharp weapons, leaving both critically injured.The attackers also hacked Lata''s tenant Shaheen as he tried to save the mother and daughter. The three injured were rushed to Savar Enam Medical College Hospital, where doctors declared Ferdousi dead.Local sources said Lata divorced Sabuj about two years ago over a family feud. But since the break-up Sabuj had been pressing Lata to renew their relationship. Lata recently filed a general diary with Savar thana seeking security, saying that Sabuj had been threatening her and her family members with dire consequences. A case has been lodged with Savar police accusing 12 people in connection with the attack.
I have coppy this news from "The News Today" (http://www.newstoday-bd.com/frontpage.asp?newsdate=#25577) because I think it's very intresting news for everyone, I confirm!