วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Doctors in Spain claim they have performed the world's first full face transplant.

A team of 30 Spanish doctors carried out the ground-breaking operation on a young man whose face had been disfigured in an shooting accident five years ago.
He had been left unable to breathe, swallow, or talk properly.
The man received the entire facial skin and muscles - including cheekbones, nose, lips and teeth - of a donor.
The Barcelona University Hospital, where the surgery took place, issued a statement explaining that the patient had previously endured nine unsuccessful operations.
While other face transplants have been done in the past, they have only been partial.
The operation took more than 20 hours and the man, whose name has not been revealed, is expected to remain in hospital for at least two months.
He underwent surgery in late March, but details of the operation have only now been revealed. I have copy this news from ABC News (
http://www.abc.net.au/news/) , because this is the good news for a lot of people.

